

1.1 League/Cup format

The Match format is 4vs4, Teams that are unable to field 4 players can play with 3 players. A Team that was able to field 4 players is allowed to drop 1 player whenever a 4vs3 occurs. A Match can be played 5vs5, or 6vs6, or 7vs7 etc if both Teams agree. Any other format(1vs1, 1vs2, 2vs2, 2vs3, 4vs5) will result in the map to be void and a default loss to the Team who had an illegal amount of players on that particular map. If both Teams had an illegal amount of players the map will be void and result in 0 points and 0 frags for both Teams on that particular map. (6vs6, 7vs7, and so on, has been added by request of the players on a vote)


2.1 Teams

Teams have to register on the EHLL Forum in the Player/Team Database section and provide the required information. Teams signing up during a season will be put on a waiting list until a current Team drops or another Team signs up so that the amount of teams stays even. A Team that joined during a season will be put into the test phase for the rest of the season. They will receive the same treatment as existing teams except that their points and frags wont be put on the Tables nor will any other team gaining points and frags from this new team.

2.2 Team information & requirements

– Team Tag and the Team’s full name
– Team must pick an Homemap from the maplist.
– There must be a minimum of 1 leader registered in the team.
– There must be a minimum of 7 players registered in the team.
– A team can not have more than 3 clanleaders.
– A Player can only be registered for 1 Clan in EHLL.

2.3 Adding Players.

One of the Team leader(s) needs to make an official request on the forum in the ” Ehll request ” section if you want to add a player(s) or Transfer a player(s) to your Team. If the request is a player transfer then the player in question needs to confirm the transfer. The player(s) added or transferred needs to wait 7 full days to be officially registered for your team. The 7 days start counting from the date when the request was made, or if it is a transfer when confirmed. The 7 days wait period does not apply for League week 1 games. If the transfer is made before 22:00 Sunday the player can play the following Sunday, assuming the player in question has not played any EHLL on that game night. Any request made after this time will be forced to wait 7 days. If the player is new/clanless, the waiting period is reduced to 3 full days. This includes players playing mid season for a clan that drops (The player/players in question should not be punished because a clan has folded) If a player leaves a clan Monday, then requests to be added to a new clan on Wednesday the player will be forced to wait 7 days as they have been part of a clan taking part in EHLL. Only official registered players can play for their Team.

If an unregistered player takes part in any EHLL game he is not permitted to his score will be removed from the clans final map score. If a game is missed and played a week later it must be played on the clans previous settings (same players and maps as the previous week) this means if a new map or player is changed it can only be used in the current game week. For example, if a player is added and can play from game week 6 but the clan has to make up a game from game week 5, the new player is not allowed to play in the game week 5 game, this applies to maps as well.

An exception to the waiting period can be made only if the opponent Team specifically agrees before the game is played.

2.4 Changing Homemap

One of the Team leader(s) needs to make an official request on the forum in the ” Ehll request ” section if you want to change the homemap of your Team. The new homemap needs to wait 7 full days before its officially registered for your clan and playable. The 7 days starts counting from the date when the request was made. The 7 days wait period does not apply for League week 1 games. Only official registered homemaps are playable

An exception to the waiting period can be made only if the opponent Team specifically agrees before the game is played.

2.5 Team Inactivity

Whenever a team drops out all points and frags will be lost to the teams whom played this dropping team. Any Team still yet to play a dropped Team will score 0 points and 0 frags for this game. Any Team that fails to show up / play for 3 weeks in a row with out warning will be removed from all the current Ehll activity. Your Team is allowed back in when the next season starts but my require a trial period. Once your Team has dropped out during a season you’ll need Ehll staff approval if you wish to sign your Team back in for the next season.


3.1 Scoring system

The scoring system is 1 point per map you win. Defaults are 1 point and 100 frags per map.

3.2 Servers

Any EHLL activity must be played on a approved AG game server at any time. When a compromise can’t be made between Teams, Your team can pick a server from the approved server list to play 1 map on. When your Opponents team averages 250+ ping, Your team is forced to pick a server where the opponents averages under 250 ping. (see the League server list here)

3.3 Server crash

If the server crashes five minutes before the match has started, the map must be restarted. If the server crashes five minutes after the match has started, the map must be restarted and played with the same score. Furthermore, the time of the match is changed to equal the remaining time left at the point of the server crash. This is assuming details of the scores can be obtained before crash, otherwise the map will need to be replayed with a fresh agstart with scores set at 0-0.

3.4 Gamemode.

Any Ehll activity must be played on the game mode Ehll at any time. However if both teams agree HLCCL or Ehll2 can be played as well. Voting sv_ag_pure 3, ag_gauss_fix 1, ag_rpg_fix 1 is allowed.

3.5 Teams

Only red / blue / teamname (clanmodel) are allowed (only in extreme circumstances can this be changed (ie red and blue on darker maps is not ideal such as havoc/lv2). If you use any other teamname than red / blue / teamname (clanmodel) you will receive a default loss on that particular map unless your opponent agrees otherwise. Be adjustable about maps towards eachother when it comes to red / blue. You are allowed to use brighten models or any kind. (this rule has been added by request of the players on a vote)

3.6 Maps

Each Clan plays each others homemap once. Decider maps and Cup maps are picked from the map list by the EHLL staff, Maps picked by the EHLL staff are announced on the fixtures page and possible on the forum and in the mIRC channel #ehll.

3.7 Team members

When ever a player drops during a map you can either call for a timeout or start agpause. Players can not be replaced during a map. Any player brought in during a map will have his/her score deducted from the clans final score. When ever this player returns he can be allowed back into the map he dropped from. Players can be switched between maps. There is no limit to switching players between maps. Further agpause/timeouts are allowed if both teams choose to.

3.8 Player stuck

There are some maps with bugs that can make you stuck. Whenever a player gets stuck you can wait until you get killed by your opponent/teammate or you can type “kill” into the console. This command performs a suicide and will make you lose 1 frag on the scoreboard. ‘kill’ in console will count as -1 on your score. In some servers you can type /unstuck in say mode to get unstuck immediately without losing score.

3.9 Spawnmines / Ghostmines

At no point during an Ehll match must a player use Spawn/teleport mines or Ghostmines. If a player is found ghost or spawn mining his score will be deducted from the maps final score. (ghostmines has been added by request of the players on a vote). At no point during an EHLL war must a player use no spawn/teleport satcheling.

3.10 Cheating

At no point during an Ehll match must a player use Cheats. If a player is caught cheating during a game his/her score will be deducted from the maps final score and he/she will be banned from the league permanently. A player can not be registered with a VAC banned ID nor can a player have 2 vac ban ids linked to there profile, any player registered as active CHEAT HL1 on S’lag will not be eligible to play in Ehll.


4.1 Results

Results are to be posted on the forum in the ” result archive ” into the correct League week or cup round. It is recommend that you set the “take a screenshot automatically at map-end function” to “on” hud_takesshots “1”. Also you must use the default scoreboard cl_old_scoreboard “0” else we can’t see the players steam ID’s and server name, therefor the screenshots would be invalid. If you don’t have a place to upload your screenshots you can use If you don’t have a place to upload your demos you can use

4.2 Defaults / Reschedule

When your team with a legal amount of players waited for about 20mins after wartime and your opposing team still doesn’t have a legal amount of players, your team will get the option to reschedule the match or not. If your team chooses to reschedule the match you’ll have to contact your opponent and set a new date and post it on the forum in the correct League week or cup round. When the rescheduled date hits the clock and this time your team doesn’t have a legal amount of players after about 20mins but your opposing team does, don’t worry your team will still get the option to reschedule the match or not. (What ever Team had a legal number of players the first time keeps the right to reschedule or not). Whenever a Team chooses not to reschedule, a default loss will be given to the team who had a illegal amount of players. If both Teams had an illegal amount of players the game must be rescheduled. At very rare situations a Ehll admin can force the game to be rescheduled, the match is then considered as a catch-up game. If a team posts in the forum that they are unable to play the war a default can not be taken. The cut off point for letting your team know that you can not play your Sunday war is Saturday at 22.00 GMT/BST (which ever time we are currently in). If your team is unable to play and you need to post that you can not play please post this information in the game week thread on the EHLL forum, this is so that we have proof that contact has been made.

4.3 Wildcards

As of EHLL 15 wildcards are removed from the league, please see rule 4.4 for news regarding how the new games rule will work. Instead of wildcards we will be using a new system where defaults can not be taken if a team has posted this information on the EHLL forum. Please see the last section of 4.2

4.4 Unplayed game deadline

As of EHLL 15 wildcards will not be used. On a game night if 1 clan does not show up the clan that does show up will have the opportunity to take a default win or choose to reschedule the war for another week. If a reschedule takes place and the clan that did show up does not show up a default can not be taken by the other team. If a war is rescheduled for a 3rd time and one of the 2 clans does not show up either clan will have the right to take a default win. Any wars that are unplayed after 1 month of the original game time and date will be void and a default will be given to the team that did show up on the night, if neither side showed up the game will be void and marked as 0-0. Screenshots will have to be posted to prove that your clan was waiting in a server for the other team (at least 10 minutes after the war start time)


5.1 Map requirements

You can add a map to the list if it meets the requirements asked. Start a thread in the “ Ehll request ” section.
– Ehll staff approval for the type of map.
– A community vote on the Ehll forum with an result of at least 70% “yes” for the map.
– At least 3 listed approved game servers must have the map in question.

5.2 Map list

The latest map list can be found here.


6.1 Server requirements

You can add a server to the list if it meets the requirements asked. Start a thread in the “ Ehll request ” section.

– Server has [Ehll] gamemodes installed & allows “Ehll;Ehll2;HLCCL” with Ftp monitoring.
– Server is S^lag secured (see godsbane for slag #scdm).
– Server gives admin access to the players on the admin list(it is done via s^lag see godsbane #scdm)
– Server hosting is not of bad network standard.

6.2 Approved server list Current Servers

For a list of approved servers, and all the relevant info for these servers please visit the link below

Approved server list


7.1 League season Final.

At the end of each season the top 2 clans will play in a final season play off. If in the event more than 2 teams finish the season on the same amount of points there will be a 3 or 4 way decider, which will be decided on by the clans taking part the best way to proceed.

7.2 Game catch up.

Whenever an Ehll admin sets up a “catch-up” Sunday or a catch-up game and your team wasn’t able to “catch up” their game or all of their games, you will still have time to reschedule and play the war until the next Sunday else, defaults are necessary and will be given for these catch up games. If both teams fail to show up for a catch up game, the game will be void and will result in 0 points for both teams (0-0).

7.3 Summer vacation.

From 1st July till 31st August the inactivity value will be changed to 4 weeks in a row of noshows/Unplayed matches = kicked out instead of 3 weeks in a row. After August you will be given the opportunity to catch-up your unplayed game(s) due to “catch up” Sundays if necessary.

8. Demo requests

Admins will post requests of demos and screenshots they wish to view, it is the responsibility of these players to post the demos and screen shots that are automatically taken in EHLL game mode.

If a player fails to post screen shots and demos from a game week for whatever reason they will receive 1 strike (1 warning). When a player reaches 2 strikes for non compliance they will be banned for a period of EHLL activity.

Players who receive 2 strikes will be banned for 8 EHLL matches. A member of the EHLL team will post the matches that the player in question will miss. The matches this player will miss can include games that have not been played from previous weeks, this may depend on how close we are to the end of the season and how many games there are to catch up on.

The games the player will miss will not include games that have already been played and need to be replayed (this means the player in question can play in any game they have already played in that needs to be replayed).

Players with 2 strikes can have the ban carried over to the next EHLL season depending on when the 2nd strike comes in to action. The strikes will remain with the player and not the clan the player is in, if a player moves clan they will still be banned and the matches this player cannot play against will change and be reposted, if the player has missed xx matches from the ban with 1 clan the remaining matches will be missed for his new clan. The games this player will miss will not include games the new clan has missed and need to catch up on as the player will not be available for these games any way (as he was not part of the team when the original war should have been played).

If the team that the player is in drops out the player will still keep his ban if the same team decides to re enter the league in another season and the player re enters the league with the same team.

Players with 1 strike can have this strike removed upon 5 successful uploads of demos and screenshots
Players with 2 strikes will be reset to 1 strike when the EHLL ban has been completed.

Regular players are also allowed to make such requests.

9. Rules of conduct

We are a small community and there needs to be respect among players. Bullying and personal insults during an official EHLL match and match related discussions will not be tolerated. Note that we do draw the line between heat of the combat profanity, and getting personal towards a player/team/admin. If such is to occur during an official game, the offended should report this and upload a demo with a timestamp of the incident. The admins will assess the situation and if the claim is reasonable a strike will be given. Here’s what each strike does:

When it’s in the forum:
1. Warning
2. Spam section / forum ban

When it’s with official matches:
1. Warning
2. 1-week ban from EHLL games
3. 4-weeks ban, if the incident is while the game is agstarted, if the offender’s team wins, the map has to be replayed without him, otherwise default loss will be given.
4. 4-months ban, if the incident is while the game is agstarted, if the offender’s team wins, the map has to be replayed without him, otherwise default loss will be given.


Please note that most of us are playing this game for quite a while now, that most of us play this game every Sunday for a quick fun and enjoyment in our oldschool game in which we have so many good memories with. Till today we are still getting new players to this game which is great! We ask of you to please be helpful towards these new players and give those people a warm welcome, we know most would : -) Anyway What we meant is that overall we expect a decent good attitude and behavior from every competitor, because extreme bad behavior can and will get you banned from all Ehll activity. Guys and girls please enjoy this game and what we are here for! 🙂 We would like to have a few more of them good memories in our collections, don’t you? Have fun and good luck.