
The Half Life of….. Faru

I started to play at 2002 with some sH. members, and passed through sever clans as BLooD, aS * (all these are brazilian ones, so you probably never heard of any). Someday i joined a clan named -?-, composed with all the best players of Br (where i became a server and forum admin) and started to compete with other teams from foreign countries to evolve my gameplay. Joined NeG and played BB 2005 (best of the bests 2005 1×1) where i met new pals from Europe.

So I decided to create a team with the best Br players to play with you guys, making new friends and having fun in playing. We knew the latency was a big problem, but we overcame it. We played the ehll and got the 7th position with the [BrA] team, but the Brazilian AG scenario became quite low after that. Then we decided to recrate that same team, with a new name.

This team is named after the first clan to be created on Brazil, that won the brazilian championship and we wanted to make it as a gratification.

Even you not being aware of the brazilian AG scenario, we always had idols from worldwide AG such as Garpy, RATICIDE (who played everyday with us and was a great friend) and other clans such as pmers KIA and storm.

I just want to thank to ehll and theyr support who makes AG in Br grow and evolve each day.

Thanks, Faru