Godsbane / S’lag
The Half-Life of… Godsbane and S’lag. I started taking notes of players ids on my own soon after I started playing, those days there were tons of players at any time and so the list grow rapidly. It was soon …..
The Half-Life of… Godsbane and S’lag. I started taking notes of players ids on my own soon after I started playing, those days there were tons of players at any time and so the list grow rapidly. It was soon …..
The Half Life of….. Becks Once upon a time… hah :V no Well im not sure where to start. I thought it was easier to remember how everything started.. But the time when HL came out was an era which …..
The Half Life of….. Diantalvic I Used to play CS all the time, it was an addiction, I used to play it every evening and then for most of the weekend. I got a little bit bored of it so …..
The Half Life of….. Faru I started to play at 2002 with some sH. members, and passed through sever clans as BLooD, aS * (all these are brazilian ones, so you probably never heard of any). Someday i joined a …..
The Half Life of….. TimmyH How you got into the game I got into the game after school once in 1998, a friend had bought it and was telling us what a great game it was. He only lived a …..
The Half-Life of….. Vamp In the year 1999 i got into Half-Life thanks to an demo cd from a magazine. ye i allready saw the light when i was just a little nub at the age of 11 😀 (beat …..
The Half Life of….. Stingouze I was into the game cuz I played it with Carnicid and an other friend (old tgv poseidon, pretty unknown) on a K6 2 350 Mhz with voodoo banshee :). I immediately felt in love …..